DS9490R USB to 1-Wire®/iButton® Adapter
The DS9490R is a USB bridge with 1-Wire® RJ11 interface to accommodate 1-Wire® receptacles and networks. The DS1402D-DR8 (Blue Dot™) can readily be used in conjunction with the DS9490R to create an iButton PC reader. A UNIQUE 16 bit "ID" is integral to the device creating a Dongle for Access Security and Hacking prevention of intended Application.
High-Speed 12Mbps Universal Serial Bus (USB) Interface
Supports Standard and Overdrive 1-Wire™® communication
Slew-Rate-Controlled 1-Wire® Timing
Active Pull-up for Improved 1-Wire® Network performance
DS9490R has an RJ11 Interface for Standard Connectivity Accessories such as the DS1402D-DR8
DS9490B has an iButton® Interface and Retains a Fixed iButton®
Built-In Custom DS2401 Identification Chip
Reads all 1-Wire® and iButton® Devices. Writes all Except EPROM 1-Wire®/iButton® Devices
Software Authorization: Protection against software piracy by tying software operation to the presence of iButton® hardware.
iButton® Initialization and Download: Loggers like the Thermochron® can be missioned and downloaded. Monetary iButtons® can be refilled with money.
Demonstration: Demonstrate the features of iButtons® or 1-Wire® chips on personal computers.
Development: Aid development of 1-Wire® applications by providing a PC interface to verify device contents and state.